Marketing + Design

I Could Never Do My Job Without CoSchedule + Other Apps

As I am finishing the last couple of months at my internship with ShoreMaster, LLC, I have been getting lot of questions about my job and how I handle all the social media within the company. As a whole, ShoreMaster, LLC has a total of 5 Facebook pages, 3 Instagram pages, 2 blogs, 1 Twitter pages, and 1 Pinterest. Now that’s a lot for one person to do – trust me I know (I’m the one doing it all) But there are some tools that make my jobs much easier.

CoSchedule is amazing.CoSchedule works by syncing all your favorite tools and social platforms into one place, so you can focus on driving traffic to your site (not jumping from one tool to the next). At ShoreMaster, LLC we use CoSchedule for our 5 Facebook pages, 3 Instagram pages, 1 Twitter pages, and 1 Pinterest. We have it downloaded on all of our WordPress sites and even use it to link up with our Google Analytics. Find out more at

I have just recently started using UNUM so I am by no means an expert – but this app has already started to prove useful. UNUM helps you plan your Instagram feed. You can shift the grid to see what the feed would look like when you posted your pictures. As I said before I do plan out the calendar by hand then go to CoSchedule, but as Instagram becomes more and more powerful to brands – especially visual brands like ShoreMaster, it becomes more and more important for social media managers to be able to see what things will look like before we post them. UNUM is complete free to use, and you can download it from the Apple Store or Google Play store.

& The Usual

Here are the following that literally everyone in the marketing team should use, or at least have on their phone.

Facebook Pages

If you don’t have Facebook Pages on your phone – I am seriously going to ask you how your been doing things. I check all of the brands Facebook pages on this app daily. The Pages app is really useful for checking message and seeing how your content looks on a mobile device. I highly recommend this be the first app your download for a business.

It’s hard for me to write about Slack, since we have a marketing team of two on it, but I really do love it. Slack brings all your team’s communication together, giving everyone a shared workspace where conversations are organized and accessible. For our team, it cuts down on the amount of emails we get. You can also download different apps to help you cut down even more.


The Repost app lets you repost Instagram photos from other users of Instagram,. The repost app is a really powerful tool for business who have people posting about them often. Now I say that and the only people posting about ShoreMaster, LLC is our dealer, but hey, take what you can get.

Is honestly the storage solution for a business. Dropbox makes a super simple for business to upload a mass amount of things, and organize them easily. Another amazing feature of Dropbox is the ability to share file with outside emails – without allowing them to see other files. 

The Actual Apps

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest. You should have the actual app on your phone.

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