Marketing + Design

Marketing is…

Just started reading the second edition of UnMarketing by Scott Stratten and Alison Kraemer (literally 2 minutes ago). And right there on page two of the introduction they spell it out plain as day. The concept that so many struggle to understand, is reduced easily into four simple sentences.

Marketing is not a task.

Marketing is not a department.

Marketing is not a job. 

Marketing happens every time you engage (or not) with your past, present and potential customers. 

It’s so simple. So easy. 

Yes, of course, all the marketing tactics are important. But not as important as how you – and everyone in your company – treat and interact with your customers. That is only important it’s vital. All that marketing goes to waste if you’re a jerk to every prospect you get. But if you treat prospects and customers with respect and authenticity…well then, you just made your marketing team’s job a whole lot easy (without having to triple the budget). 

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